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Memento, Ain't talking about lov
MMemento, Ain't talking about love
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Memento, Perfect strangers.
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Video Lessons
I'm delighted to say that it is a possibility that Drum key will be able to teach on line through a partnership with internet teaching, the information will come as soon as we know it, so you could be able to learn drums at your place of choice, exercises that you want and at your natural speed, just by watching the lessons video and downloading your PDF charts. If interested just contact us. luis_drums_69@hotmail.com
Video Clips
Free Style
A little sound check on a Bembe style.
Warm Up exercise
Basic quavers, Triplets, Semiquavers ex over a quaters on Bass andc HH obstinato. 4/4
Latin / Bembe
A little cip of this beautiful afro-latin Rhythm
Basic Jazz
A little basic Jazz independence clip.